Despite the slightly cold and wet weather I ducked out of work a few minutes early to take her for a run in the park at the new Mueller development. She's actually the perfect running partner cause she loves to sprint then take periodic stops to smell stuff (leaving me a few moments to catch my breath). She looks back at me with the biggest grin on her floppy face, and it's so much fun to run full out for those moments that I imagine I have the same goofy smile.
We're been going over to the park more ever since a neighbor yelled at us about being in her yard the other day. I'm trying to be understanding (maybe she had a bad dog experience, maybe other dog owners let their dogs crap in her yard then don't pick it up), but then I look at this face and I think maybe it's just that neighbor lady's heart is three sizes too small:

Okay, I never thought I'd be one of THOSE kind of dog owners, but it's a bumble-bee costume! I'm not made of stone, people.
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