Wednesday, December 10, 2008

An Abundance of Katherines

I read John Green's blog and find him charming and funny in that dorky way I admire oh so much, so when I found "An Abundance of Katherines" at Bookpeople for just $3.99 I snatched it right up. So glad I did.

At first the narrator (an 18 yr old child prodigy) really bugged me but he quickly grew on me and then I couldn't put the book down. This is a sweet, satisfying story that I think quite accurately captures the awkwardness and uncertainty of too smart for their own good kids trying to figure out what happens next. Since the narrator's a know it all, it also has lots of fun little tidbits of "huh" including a couple revelations about John's favorite inventor, Philo T. Farnsworth. Definitely worth a read.

Also, this video of John Green sortof conquering his fear of heights is friggin adorable.