Friday, February 1, 2008


I don't know what it is about Friday afternoons where my work ethic just flies out the window. Plus, I'm on day 5 or so of the never-ending cold that is really probably just allergies - the constant headache and tiredness is really starting to get old. In an attempt to feel better, I have taken the following remedies in the span of the last 24 hours:
Nyquil - last night, around 11 pm
Over the counter cold day time medicine - 7 am today
Flonase - 8 am
Coffee - 10 am
Double espresso - 1 pm
Allegra and 2 tylenol - 4 pm

Amazingly the previous "cures" have left me feeling super nauseous, so I just took 2 Pepto Bismol chewables. Damn cedar. Why must Austin punish us so? (That's right, I'm blogging about my allergies. Take that, interesting blogs!)

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