Friday, May 16, 2008

Where I've been

Yeah, so I've been away for awhile. Nothing much exciting happened, I've just been feeling too [insert adjective here] to give this any time.

Let's see, since I've written last, I have mostly been working (I just got a really good performance review today, hooray!), reading a lot of books, vaguely trying to get back into shape, and feeling kindof out of it and cranky for no good reason.

Mostly I've been reading and re-reading all the Stephanie Meyer Twilight series, plus I just finished the fantastic City of Bones (the start of yet another vampire trilogy I'll no doubt be salivating over for years to come.) There's probably some psychological flaw a brewing here (fear of growing older, a yen for transformational change, general ennui as the years pass and seem increasingly like the ones before, desire for a super hot immortal 19 year old to sweep me off my feet...), but I also still stand by earlier assumptions that young adult literature is just where it's at these days.

Oh, and Topher, Clee, John and I had some good wholesome fun (and picked up a 3rd place prize) at the Speedracer road rally last weekend. Thanks, Tim - you rock, as always.

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