Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Missing the boat on Twilight

This Salon article on the Twilight phenomenon is a perfect example of why I decided not to go into academia. There are some good points here, to be sure (Clee and I have long regreted that reading Twilight turns us into petulent teenage girls), but I seriously wish that this woman would lighten up.

The fact that she's so dismissive of these books really pisses me off. Just because they're popular doesn't mean they're bad. Have we learned nothing from Harry Potter? Plus, the fact that teenage girls and their Moms agree on anything is completely fantastic, let alone that these books are getting people to read at all. And say what you want about Bella, but I think it's pretty great that the female lead of the series - a smart, shy, physically awkward girl who is capable of speaking her mind - gets to be the love interest of not one but 2 heroes.

I've read plenty of the crap that Harold Bloom was always on about, and sure, lots of it is really great. But it's also usually dense, and pretentious and totally overwrought.

I'm anxiously awaiting the delivery of Breaking Dawn on the day it comes out, and I'll probably go to the release party at Book People, too. And I'll stand there with all of the other fangirls of all ages, and shriek and sigh and moon, and embrace the beautifully absurd romance of these fantastic books. And if I come home expecting a little more from my own knight in shining armor, so be it.

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